Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vancouver Week 3 - no more vancouver weeks because i dont want to have to keep figuring out what event corresponds with what week!!

well this is probably going to be the continuing of the 22 short stories about fatso fattypants.  ill have to admit that nothing major has happened, only small stories.  i will also have to admit that ive become quite the lazy piece of shit.  i find myself waking up around 12:30pm or so, and sometimes not ever getting dressed (there was that one time i had to put pants on to check the mail)

since i had to leave my horse breeding business resources in raleigh, i have no important meetings to go to so i rarely set my alarm.  now i know some of you are saying, "i think we need to go to target to get some more toilet paper.....or is it tissue?" 

while others are saying, "hey graham! you have a whole new city to explore and put up Pratt stickers!"

well yes, i could do that but after a couple weeks, i will have to admit that it is hard getting motivated when you have no one to do things with....sad face....two bite brownie...happy face.  soooo i try to entertain myself through alternative vices.  

here are some of the things ive picked up or tried to pick up:

1) art.  maybe ill get into art again.  i was in AP art in high school....even though i didnt put any effort at all into it....sorry becky.  this recent decision to doodle again sprouted because of the response of the current market...or lack there of.  while searching craigslist and ebay for works of art to fill the dead walls of my off white apartment, i didnt find anything of value and all my search results fell short of my high class demands.  so i am going to take on the task of making the art that i want.  if i want a dinosaur riding a bicycle, then I will paint it.  and if i want a naked man fighting a dragon beast then I WILL PAINT IT or maybe charcoal that one, i think that one would look nice if it were out of charcoal.  

2) leather jackets.  well i ended up buying that leather jacket that jared was selling.  its neat. i like it.  now i just need to get my motorcycle up here so i can put that jacket to the ultimate test!  

3) movie critic.  since i dont really have any friends here, my nights are pretty open.  i usually fill those nights with a movie or 5.  blockbuster really likes me.  and i know they like me when im looking around in their store and my bag keeps bumping the shelf behind me but i dont really hear anything because my ears are plugged with headphones playing the latest tunes.  anyways, i watch a lot of movies and i just finished watching all the Saw movies.  very interesting.  i also saw smart people and it was really good.  and i now have a crush on ellen page.  and she is less that 2 years younger than me so that means i can say "i have a crush on ellen page" and it wont sound creepy.  oh and thanks to imdb, i found out that she is canadian and I'M pretty much canadian now (i have my own canadian bank account thank you very much) soooo we are going to go out for milkshakes.  boom! YES! so point of the story is that i like movies. the end.

4) coffee extraordinaire.  i bought a french press.  ive used it once and it tasted like diarrhea shit.  ill try again later.

im your regular renaissance man.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we had wrestling friday- favulous frankie fontaine sends his love.