Wednesday, July 22, 2009


i am free now. thats right, due to my 'good behavior', i was released from the sticky constraints of the library. and by 'good behavior', i mean, all-nighters with thollander at the grind coffee shop...a cute little 24/7 cafe. im sure they are glad that we are done with our papers too because of the now absent discussions of ontology, ecclesiology, eschatology, etc that filled the air. one of the papers i had to turn in was about JOHN MILBANK and his ECCLESIOLOGY or the fact that ecclesiology is need of some more thinkin' through.

i capitalized his name so he could find it easier when he googles his name and my blog comes up as a result. i got this idea from my friend who has a "serious" blog and posted about tim keller, an author and the pastor of redeemer presbyterian church in nyc. i say "serious" because hers isnt like mine where 90% of the post are about mayonnaise and/or my affinity for adult pajamas. well, tim keller responded on her post which led to the conclusion that he googled his name and her blog came up as a recent result.

SO john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, john milbank, (i assume that the more frequent use of the name will make it show up at the top of the google results)

john milbank is responsible of my excruciating headache tuesday morning between 5am and 6am. i was sweating in my sheets, and the pain was so bad that it made me throw up. it as pure CRAP! and it was the last thing i wanted in celebration of my papers being complete. i blame john milbank's vague and drawn out writing style. theres a big difference between academic writing that is just over your head and poor writing that is unable to convey the appropriate message. john milbank falls in the latter...sorry brother. dont get me wrong, he had some really good stuff to say BUT there were also a lot of inconsistencies....and im pretty sure he made up a few words. SO JOHN MILBANK! if you googled your name, a) you can email me at: to say hey, tell me how your day was, and explain your ecclesiology. AND then ill send you my paper and you can tell me if im right or wrong.

and b) i just really want a theologian to stumbled across my blog to only be completely confused on why some clown that writes dumb stories is critiquing his theology. hilarious. to me. not to him.


key words: john milbank, radical orthodoxy, mayonnaise, ecclesiology, eschatology, king hippo, augustine, bro-zone lair, "sir, youre making a scene"


ldamoff said...

I just googled "John Milbank" and your blog didn't come up. So then i googled "John Milbank radical orthodoxy" and it still didn't come up. Finally a i googled "John Milbank radical orthodoxy mayonnaise" and your's was, get this, the second hit. Which i'm still a little shocked by. Apparently the Theology Philosophy Centre loves John Milbank, radical orthodoxy, and mayonnaise even more than you do. Who could have guessed?


ldamoff said...

Oh, i did another google search just now of "John Milbank mayonnaise" and your blog was first. So next time John is trolling the internet wondering if any deli sandwiches have been named after him and what sort of condiments they have on them i'm sure he'll stumble across your blog.
