Thursday, July 2, 2009


ok, this is just going to be a very short post to let everyone know that i am not dead. for the longest time, ive been SO DAMN BUSY THAT COME ON SOMEONE GIVE ME A BREAK PLEASE

summer school was incredibly nuts. all i had time for was read and eat used mayonnaise packets. ok, i dont know why "used mayonnaise packets" came to my mind because fresh, full mayonnaise packets would be the most logical (and deliciously nutritious) choice....but whatever, dont tread on this mind of imagination!

so after summer school classes, i went to NORTH CAROLINA for 3 weeks where i hung out with friends and gained weight. i will soon write professional non-fiction stories about my visit to the great state of north carolina. but now, im back in vancouver and have to be in the library 24/7 because my planning skills were far from ideal and are not envied by the organized.

the way summer school works is that the work/reading/research/writing are all due 6 weeks after the last day of class. however, my body was squatin' fresh vibes in the north carolinas and NOT doing any work. foolish graham. (send pity money immediately)

SO i am going to have to cram for the next few weeks trying to get everything done. therefore, i am here to tell you that i am back from my hiatus only to enter into a new hiatus because with the amount of work i have to do...blogging might be infrequent. BUT who knows, maybe ill have get a second breath one day and blooog about NC ADVENTURE TIMES.

teaser time-

one north carolina quote:

"he dated the owner's daughter in 8th grade........and they went all the way!" - my mom, to the waitress at a restaurant that my friend's dad owns.

the 'he' in that sentence is me. and NO, the information that my mom so nonchalantly shared is NOT true. im pretty sure she had no idea what she was talking about.



Elaina M. Avalos said...

Since you included the Mom quote you are now obligated to write about being in NC because that was a seriously awesome quote.

ldamoff said...

Your mom RULEZ!!!!111oneonewonforthewin

Team Epic Fail said...

Don't you mean: "send pity FOOD," instead?