Monday, November 24, 2008

Two Days In A Row!!

yeah, thats right...posting two days in a row.  what are you going to do?  call the cops!?!? dont make me laugh.  (he he he....maybe a little girly giggle)  BUT THATS IT!
anyways, canada doesnt even have cops!  i can jaywalk all i want AND NO ONE IS GOING TO STOP ME!!  suckers.  i dont even care, im over this like when jeffron is over the world (when hes skydiving) 


like zach is over 'call of duty' when he gets bozoed1 by darius


like kalib is over me by getting a new girlfriend (this is bullshit....get ready for the fury fight of a lifetime over christmas break "tree-dog!!")


like cobra is over american politics when they apparently withdrew the "necessary rule" of having awesome facial hair to be president.  "but but but obama has a great smile..."  I DONT CARE!! chester a. arthur DIDNT NEED to smile!!

anyways, the purpose of this post is to share "Photos by Darius".  well not all of them because there are a lot.  however, ill just share the ones chosen.

these were taken before i moved to canadaland.  before i moved, i was interning HARD at my church in raleigh.  so as a going away gift, i wanted to give my bosses a nice 11" x 15"ish portrait of me for their offices.  so i commissioned the infamously progressive photographer Darius for the epic job.  after weeks of preparation and massaging each other's brains for ultimate creativity...our brains finally made love and our intellectual offspring took over the project and created these pictures:

the rest can be viewed by clicked the link in the "Photos by Darius" above.

1  "bozoed"  is the new "clowned"

1 comment:

samuelrhodes said...

Yeah, I mean ef this ess. If any clean-shaven son of a biscuit can stroll up into the oval office and start pressing red buttons and answering red phones, I am totally protesting America by not shopping at American apparel (Bryan Duggan won't be following my example here) and I am calling kraft singles "French cheese." NOT IN MY COUNTRY, SMOOTH-FACE.