Saturday, November 8, 2008

Have Heart

Have Heart: this band has filled my nubile ears for a couple weeks now. i really enjoy this hardcorey hardcore band from boston. the song "bostons" has given me great feelings in my body while i dance to the bus stop and yell the lyrics in the library. speaking of the there a lot. all the time. reading and reading and partying HARD. my research paper is due wednesday so i have been diving my cute little nose in the stacks of the regent library like kid in a candy shop (which is actually a little less rambunctious than me in a candy shop)

so my desk is piled high with books about the eucharist. specifically what the theologians from the early scholastic period thought. apparently this eucharist issue (and all its meanings) was hot topic for debate and discussion in the 11th and 12th century. so as im reading about berengar, peter lombard, anslem, guibert, gerhoh, peter comestor and others, my head fills with so many amazing thoughts and perspectives on this single little sacrament. a lot of those theologians were influenced by the early fathers like augustine but also used platonic and aristotelian ideas to express their points. very interesting.

speaking of augustine and this sorta goes back to my original thought on have heart BUT augustine would be the greatest hardcore vocalist EVER!!! especially reading his masterpiece, "confessions", all i think about is making a hardcore band and just getting up to scream his book.

so the whalewatchers video was a success! im really happy with the way it turned out and i think everyone really enjoyed it. special thanks to iain and suzie for helping me film AND providing me with premium presence in the video. if suzie wasnt able to do it, i would have just substituted "graham chasing a girl" to "graham chasing an ice cream truck". the latter would actually have been more believable. maybe next time. maybe ill do an Advent music video and at the end, i would flip over the ice cream truck, destroy the driver, and eat EVERYTHING!!!!!!111onewon

oh, and i talked to my mom earlier this week and she said she loved the video (especially since there was a girl in it).  however, her hopes were crushed and her heart was broken when i had to let her know that suzie was married to iain.  and in a desperate attempt to save her hopes, she asked about the girl that i "made out with".  she was bummed out again when i told her that the margarine make out session was also a made up story.  sorry mom.

im really glad that my macbook camera provided superior quality for the music video. Apple should just go ahead and give me a million dollars for creating a masterpiece on their iMovie. which brings me to my top 2 career choices at this time:

1) film maker who is limited to using the iMovie

2) corporate jester

now before you(dad) tell me im an idiot-boy, let me explain...

as a film maker, i would create artistic representations of real life by capturing every emotion that a human being experiences and because of Apple's wealth, i would be guaranteed like a billion dollar pay check (a week) so i would limit myself to be the #1 representative for iMovie and other Apple products. my sound engineer/producer would be darius on garageband. and with this billion dollar pay check (a week), i would be able to redistribute the wealth so that there would be no more homelessness and hunger. snack packs and luxury shacks for all! (ok, well maybe houses but houses didnt rhyme with snack packs)

as a corporate jester, i would turn miserable lives into HAPPY lives. we are always told that we need to pursue our dreams and if we arent happy with our jobs, then we are dumb....but i think thats a little unrealistic because most people will have to have a mundane job in the corporate place to support their family. well this gets into the STUPID notion that peoples lives are defined by their jobs but i wont get into that right now. im here to explain my idea for the corporate jester. so for those that have sacrificed their quote on quote dreams to work a mundane job 8 hours a day so that they can support their family and feed their kids, well THEY deserve some delicious services from graham bennett. sorry jonas, not that kind of services....go take a bath....siiiiiiiiinner.

i will go into the corporate skyscraper just like any other accountant/analyst/economist/computer person/etc, except my job will be going to every floor, and every cubicle to form friendships and to entertain. i will raise spirits like a yeast raises the bread (except i wont smell like a subway sandwich restaurant....again). now, people will think that i would be distracting the workers and that the company will fail because of my irresponsibility but i dont know how to put this but THEY ARE IN THE WRONG! because of my carefree spirit, skillful joke delivery and ability to connect with EVERYONE, these corporate robots that once hated their 8 hour mundane jobs, will now be alive and happy to come to work. production and efficiency would increase BY A MILLION PERCENT!! for those who think that lame "team building" exercises build morale, they need to be slapped. by my foot. true friendships and the jokes that follow will only spark true morale.

and i may have another agenda as well. we all know that the corporate paycheck distribution is not ideal. the fat cats on top who are more than likely there by corrupt politics are taking in the majority of the monies while the rest of the company (the ones actually doing the work) arent getting what they deserve. SOOOOOOO after being there for a while, i would some how jester my way into the company bank account's panties and then ROBIN HOOD FTW!!!

OR better option would be to form relationships with those fat ass cats on the top floor (i would be accepted because of my girth alone) and share Jesus with them so that their hearts would change and they would be doing the redistribution themselves. THAT WOULD ALSO BE FTW!

SO, my goals for life are finding myself in the position to:

1) be a disciple of Christ
2) make people laugh

all other things are just minor details.

im also getting back into art:

1 comment:

Jeffrey Dwight Smith said...

Mission Accomplished!

Also, I miss you.

Also, Also, Remember the time we went to the library to pick Zach up for lunch and it was dead quiet in there and we couldn't laugh out loud but we couldn't stop the laughter. That was great.