Friday, October 10, 2008

The Internets are angry

what the hell is wrong with me?  another week has gone by without me updating my private journal.  my last post was written last weekend and the subject matter was about the weekend before that!  and im pretty sure i was supposed to write about that weekend earlier this week but nay, ive waited until now.  friday.  so i have to write about last weekend AND this week?  do i have a choice?  well the company im working for, The Internets, pays me 45,000 a year to write this journal and one of the requirements was to write about everything interesting, regardless of how behind i get.  so here it goes.

well, it was a moist and cloudy day last friday and Graham decided that it would be polite (with a hint of sexy) to tell the hard working bus driving technician that he loved him and his loyalty to the TransLink - South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority.  Before the seductive love poem could leave Graham's mouth, the bus suddenly slammed into this little kidaaaah SCREW IT!! you know what The Internets...I DONT CARE ABOUT YOU ANYMORE! you can take the 45000 and shove it up your ass!  you cant make me write about every little mundane event! its just nonsense!  ohhh im fired? well YOURE FIRED! FROM LIFE! JERKS.  aaahh HA! graham: 1, internets: 0!!! pew pew pew!

ok, in reality its more like graham: -45000 and internets: a billion monies

so, now ill just try to focus on the highlights.  

last weekend: saturday night we had game night at christa, julie, heather and lindsay's apartment.  it was totally awesome because:

1) fresh cookies
3) good friends
3) tons of games
7) fresh cookies

i also got to experience playing a new game that id never even heard of.  it was settlers of catan.  apparently its sooo popular everywhere in the world and that im an idiot for not knowing it existed.  well whatever.  but it was a lot of fun! i lost though.  i came close once but then i lost.  and cried.  and then ate all the pieces. 

after settlers, we all played spoons.  that came rules and i pretty much won every single time!!! im so awesome.  if spoons was a olympic sport, i would get the gold medal for sure.  if spooning was an olympic sport, then the country Bro-Zone Lair would DOMINATE THE WORLD.  

the people at the party will claim that i didnt win at spoons.  but they are liars and who believes liars anyways?  stupid people do, thats who.  are you stupid?  thats what i thought. 

i feel like i did something awesome sunday night but it was sooooo long ago that i forgot.  sorry, The Internets...please take me back baby.  

the week was full of reading and studying as usual.  i had a hebrew vocabulary quiz tuesday and a hebrew grammar test thursday.  i got a 12/12 on the vocab quiz because im sik-wit-it when it comes to hebrew and im still awaiting my score for the grammar test.  i think i did pretty good though.  

p.s.  for any of the people that caught my tribute to nerds in the middle of this post, good for you.  you are too a nerd because you saw it.  turn off your ps3 and go outside. darius.

so i started something new this week.  my aussie friend josh and i have started going to the gym to work out.  we are are going to try for 3 times a week.  we went wednesday and earlier today.  both times ive run for a while and then lifted.  and both times ive felt like death afterwards.  im sore and tender.  but i need it.  i need to look buff when i go home and see caleb because apparently i have some competition of some shit.  you stand no chance!

the first day, josh and i went to the locker rooms to change into our spandex.  once we looked the part, we were off to find the weight room!  after walking around like fools trying to find out where to go, we finally asked someone.  the guy pointed that way, and we were confused because thats were the showers were.  uh.  this is awkward.  so every time you go in and out of the locker room to or from the weight room or pool, you have to walk through the showers.  great.  so we just start walking as men, mainly old men, are showering.  i didnt know if it was rude or not that i didnt offer to wash the fat guy, who obviously couldnt reach the middle of his back.  i start thinking of the horrific situation of a wandering child (particularly a little girl) running around and finding herself in a wet room of ding dongs.  i would never want that to happen in real life but i wouldnt mind laughing if it were in a scene in an upcoming rob schneider movie.

so before and after the workout, josh and i have to experience the walk of shame on awkward avenue.

as for reading, im behind in it but GOOD NEWS!!  because this coming week is READING WEEK.  in college, this meant spring break BZL but this reading week will actually be filled with reading.  ALL THE TIME.  i have so much reading to do its ridiculous.  and on top of that, i have to study for my old testament exam which is right after reading week.

another thing that im going to do during reading week is go on a personal retreat.  ive never done one of these but the school is recommending it.  my ears are always filled with righteous tunes but for the retreat, im going to seclude myself with my bible, journal, augustine's 'confessions' and really listen to God's word in my life.  im really excited about this because i feel my life is full of distractions that it will be good for me to really contemplate who i am and truly listen to what God wants me to do.

i am thankful for all the friends that i am making and all the valuable information i am learning.

i am not thankful for whoever designed the locker room.

1 comment:

ldamoff said...

yeah, i caught the tribute to nerds, but i don't even own a PS3... i am about to go outside though.
