Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Idea?

well its not really a special new idea in a sense that it will altar history or turn tradition upside me going on some sort of diet or something (eating vegetables etc) but rather i need to stop being such a slack ass when it comes to updating this internet private journal thingy that no one but me reads.  i share a lot of stuff with myself.

and yes mother, i DO eat vegetables so please dont send me ANOTHER email about your fear of me getting diabetes.  which i have been thinking about recently... 

mother, YOU (and you alone) are scared that i will get diabetes due to my "irresponsible" eating habits and yet YOU of all people would be held responsible and heres why:

well theres pretty much only one answer to that and that is:


yes, thats right, i see your secret plan and it all came to me when i was reading this!

ohhhhhhh im on to you "MOM", if thats even your real name!  you play they whole "oh i hope my son doesnt get diabetes because he eats like shit all day blah blah blah", all the while you are cramming chocolate peanut butter balls down my throat.  i DID think it was weird at dinner when the dinner rolls were being passed out, you gave ME the sugar coated fat rolls. 

well, im in canada now so even if i did get YOUR disease (im saying 'your' not that you have this disease but that it was your plan on giving me this plan......maybe even a substitute for coal in my stocking for christmas), canada would just give me as much insulin as i wanted WITH A SMILE!  and of course, i would smile back OH WAIT DAMMIT!!! i have just been rambling on without explaining my new idea!

ok, here it goes...shorter posts so that i can quickly fill peoples in on adventures and stories rather than carving out ample time for regular posts.  so since this post as been going on aimlessly, how about i call it a day for this one. BOOM!


Swagger Crew said...

ya you talk waaaaaaaay too much.

Flanagan said...

oh spare me those details