Friday, September 5, 2008

Orientation - Part 1

no, not sexual orientation.  but rather grad school orientation for the newbzzz like myself.  the orientation was a 3 day adventure that lasted 3 days.  3 days i spent in orientation, being "oriented" with the school for 3 days.  i really had no idea what to expect.  i was very curious if the rest of the new students would be talkative and make an effort to meet people.  also, i was very excited to see what kind of people i would be spending my grad school career with.  i arrive via bus (woke up too late to ride my bike.....well i could have made it in time but i didnt want to be super sweaty) around 8:15am at regent college.  in the front area, there are several tables, sofas, and chairs.  i sit down on the sofa next to paul.  well,  i didnt know his name but he was in the chair and i figured i would sit near him and spark up a conversation.  as more people joined, it ended up being 5 of us chatting it up as if we have known each other for quite some time.  people who have known each other for a while and have shitty memory on actual knowledge about each person.  so of course, it was just "where are you from" "what made you come out here" etc etc.  it was cool though.  

alright orientation was about to start so we had to run into the main auditorium room which was called the chapel.  class lectures and chapel services were held in this room....and of course, orientation as well.  regent college is known for its global diversity so to start off the 3 day adventure, they had a student to represent their country and carry in flags from all the countries that were represented in this years orientation.  it was truly amazing to see how many countries were represented.  its really cool that people all across the globe have come to gather in this one building in vancouver, bc.  

throughout the day, professors and faculty would talk about what regent is all about and all the history behind it.  if anyone knows me, they know i like to joke around.  so i was super relieved when the majority of the professors were not only geniuses but also could crack jokes here and there and have fun with the speeches they were giving.  this one australian professor was talking about how him and his wife came to christ and came to do ministry.  he explained that his wife used to "grow her own stuff" and then made a smoking gesture and how him and his wife joined this motorcycle ministry thing.  it was ridiculous.

another professor but on a lapel mic but also went up to the mic on the stand.  after being told by on of the faculty to just choose one, he stood there a while......looked at the mic as if he were trying to figure out some sort of master puzzle or pondering the meaning of life......and after thinking about it for some comical time, the exclaimed, "buuuut i like both!"

he was made to just use the lapel mic.  he was content with that, i guess.

the president of the college got up to speak and he was hilarious.  cracking jokes left and right and just having fun with it all.  he explained regents colorful and unique history (which im not going to try to fully repeat)  i will say two highlights:

1)  regent is a completely random name.  when they were trying to figure out a name, they wanted something neutral.  they purpose of the school was to have a grad school instead of a seminary even though originally it would be christian.  their idea was that seminary was for people who wanted to either teach or become a pastor but they wanted a school for people to learn and then take that knowledge for any sort of vacation.  they offer courses that arent offered anywhere else because they want to broaden the idea of christianity and how it relates to EVERYTHING.  for a long time they called themselves the "unseminary".  so they didnt want the name to pigeon-hole the school so they one of the founders said, "well hey, theres a real estate company called regent properties back where im from".  and there ya go.

2)  when regent college wanted to be affiliated with university of british columbia, the prez at UBC laughed in their face and wanted nothing to do with them.  but there was one unlikely group of people that made it there goal to help regent become affiliated.  the marxist.

day 1 was fun meeting a few people and talking with just about anyone.  before orientation i was worried that i was going to be the only one that likes to have fun and joke around.  by the end of the orientation, my worries were laid to rest because all the previous students that were helping with the orientation were just clowning each other the whole time.  it was just like raleigh.  good times.  

at the end of the first day, i went to get my picture taken for the regent directory so that everyone knows whos who.  wellllll, my eyes may have been looking into the sky instead of the camera.  but we will just have to see.  also, they made you fill out an information card for the directory.  all your basics..A/S/L..but they also asked for a quote.  i asked them what this meant and they said, "oh just do whatever you want there.....most people leave it blank".  well i had to do it.  

"all i want is some sweet tea and a bojangles chicken filet biscuit combo!"

oh by the way, martha... you remember fred? the guy has that basement suit that i almost got? well i met the guys who live under fred now.  it was funny.  they agreed that he was a little weird.

after orientation (day 1), i wanted to go get my UBC card and more importantly, the U-pass which allows me to ride any bus FOR FREE SUCKERS!  well i get to the UBC bookstore and there is a HUGE line to get he cards.  bogus.  i had to wait like 45 minutes to get my UBC id card and then the worker said that there was no time to wait in the other huge line to get my U-pass card.  stupid.  UBC is made up of 45% masa and dakota, 45% thien and danny, and 10% caleb

day 1 complete!

1 comment:

Martha B. Metzler said...


And, of course I remember Fred. I think about him every breakfast. Especially when I'm having waffles.